"Se si insegnasse la bellezza alla gente, la si fornirebbe di un’arma contro la rassegnazione, la paura e l’omertà".
Peppino Impastato

TheCultural Association MostraMed was founded in Palermo in 2017 with the mission of promoting new contemporary languages, supporting young emerging artists and, at the same time, creating artistic and cultural projects to foster the development of its territory.

Our goal, as a non-profit organization, is to help young people by providing them with effective and as free as possible training and promotion tools. Our activities are based on modern web technologies to offer young people, not only from Sicily but from all over Italy, a modern Made in Italy strategy to promote their work.

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After launching the Sicily and Sicilians platform and the website www.dipingimi.org, dedicated to creating portraits by young emerging artists, we will introduce a comprehensive training project for all young Sicilians: Digitalizzami 4 Sicily.

With our platforms, we aim to foster connections among young people, creatives, artists, and potential clients, enhancing art and culture in one of its most ancestral forms: the creation of works rich in commitment, personality, and technique, but in a contemporary way, through the lens of modernity.


Premio riGenerazione Futuro per MostraMed – Putia lab – Sicily and Sicilians 3.0

Ferrovie dello Stato – Fondazione Civita – Produzione dal Basso

Mostramed premiazione Putia Lab e Sicily and sicilians
Mostramed premiazione Putia Lab e Sicily and sicilians

Il network di MostraMed

We are always seeking collaborations and partnerships; we firmly believe in synergies and collaborations. If you'd like more information about the project or want to collaborate with us, click here to contact us.